Vossie Feature: Uncertainty Turned Success.

Vossie Feature: Uncertainty Turned Success.

Vossie Feature: Uncertainty Turned Success.

Post by Eduvos, August 27, 2024.

We’re often told, “everything happens for a reason,” but does it really? Meet Kaylie Hönicke, a third-year Bachelor of Arts (Media Studies) student, whose journey proves that embracing uncertainty can lead to success. 

An Unconventional Path to Discovery 
Growing up, Kaylie enjoyed netball and horse-riding, but it was her love for writing and storytelling that truly captured her heart. Despite knowing where her interests lay, she chose a slightly unconventional route before finding her way to Eduvos. After high school, Kaylie took two gap years–an intentional break that allowed her to explore her interests and clarify her future direction. 

“My first gap year was actually just spent spending time with my family, which was very nice,” Kaylie shares. “And then going into my second gap year, I was still like on the fence of what I wanted to pursue. I took my second year to build my character.” 

Answering the Call to Success 
Kaylie's journey at Eduvos began somewhat unexpectedly. Unsure of where to study, she stumbled upon Eduvos and soon found herself on the receiving end of a phone call that changed her life. Unlike other institutions where she would have had to study a more general course before specialising, Eduvos offered a direct path to her interests. 

“While researching where to study media studies, I found that many institutions required three years of a general course before specialising in journalism,” says Kaylie. “But Eduvos’s three-year programme allowed me to specialise in media studies from the start, which I loved." 

Despite the challenges of starting her studies post the Covid-19 pandemic, Kaylie found a supportive environment. The smaller classes at Eduvos allowed her to connect with her lecturers, which enhanced her overall learning experience.  

“I like that you’re a lot more than just a number at Eduvos compared to a public institution,” says Kaylie. “The lectures really do care about you, and they will give you proper feedback if you need any feedback on an assignment.” 

Throughout her studies, Kaylie developed critical skills needed to thrive in journalism and help her tell impactful stories.  

The Power of Networking 
At Eduvos, we dedicate ourselves to bridging the gap between the classroom and the industry. Kaylie recently experienced the power of this connection first-hand when a guest lecture opened a world of opportunities. During the lecture, she connected with Anneke Burns, a PR professional and guest lecturer. Their rapport was immediate, and through a combination of passion and networking, Kaylie secured an internship with Anneke's company, ABPR

“I was attending a PR class, and we had a guest lecturer, Anneke. We just started talking and we just clicked. Anneke would have questions and I'll be able to answer them,” says Kaylie.  

The internship has been a rewarding experience, with Kaylie balancing her studies, work, and internship simultaneously, thanks to the flexible study options at Eduvos. Kaylie's perfectionist nature and eagerness to learn have made her a valuable intern, and she has already gained significant insights into the PR industry, giving her a competitive edge after graduation.  

Bold Choices, Bright Future 
Reflecting on when she started her studies at Eduvos, Kaylie has one piece of advice: keep an open mind.  

“Unlike public institutions with large groups of people, Eduvos offers a different atmosphere. Just keep an open mind because you might think there are a few students that are studying with you, which is actually a benefit. You make friends so quickly,” shares Kaylie. 

For Kaylie, being a part of Eduvos means being proud to be associated with an institution that is pushing the boundaries of education, offering innovative teaching methods, and creating an environment where students can thrive. 

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